2. 決意とマーモットの魅力(2. Determination and the charm of marmots)

2. 決意とマーモットの魅力(2. Determination and the charm of marmots)

前回のブログ▶︎ 1. 絶望とマーモットとの出会い







I will buy a marmot in 200 days
Future Dr. Marmot
By 2030, It will be as popular as dogs and cats


日々、マーモットの生態については調べており、新たなことがわかるたびに、自身のホームページのコラムを更新しています。今では、「マーモット ペット」と検索すると、トップで表示されていて、「マーモット」と検索しても、Wikipediaの次に表示されるようになりました。



次のブログ▶︎ 3. 中国で見たマーモットの現実


Previous Blog▶︎ 1. Despair and an encounter with marmots

Last time, I spoke in depth about the loss of my father, the changes in my family, and my encounter with marmots.
Just remembering them brings back vivid memories of those times, and even now, when I think I have recovered, tears still flow.
This is a continuation of yesterday's blog, so I hope you will take a look if you have not seen it yet.

In August 2023, my relatives gathered at the first Bon festival and played a video of marmots on YouTube.
The image of all my family members smiling and watching the marmot video with nostalgia is still burned into my memory.
"I'm not the only one who sees my father in my mind. Everyone wants to see my father. Marmots make everyone smile," I thought, and it warmed my heart. At that moment, I decided to welcome marmots into my family.

Have you ever thought deeply about the charm of marmots?

They look like three-year-olds, but have the body shape and behavior of middle-aged men, the adorable way they stand upright and eat vigorously, and sometimes even walk on two legs. Their bodies are covered in fluffy fur, making them like stuffed animals from nature. They have long teeth, sharp claws, and strong limbs, but they rarely use them as weapons. They are fascinating animals that store fat all over their bodies, even though they are complete herbivores. They don't bark like dogs, they don't scratch like cats, and most individuals are sure to learn to use the toilet. Their appearance, personality, and ecology are all like humans, and I am more and more captivated by the charm of marmots.

I knew from a young age that it was difficult to raise hamsters, cats, and dogs. I also thought that it would be much more difficult to raise a marmot, so from that day on I continued to collect information about marmots both in Japan and abroad. Looking back, I think there was almost no correct information about marmots in Japan at that time.

In Europe, the Alpine marmots that live in Switzerland are cherished, and in North America and Canada, marmots are common, mainly woodchucks. In India, the Himalayan marmot is protected by the Washington Convention.

At this time, I realized that since I was about to take on a new life, I needed to know more about marmots, gather as much information as possible about their ecology, and create a perfect environment for them. So, in October 2023, I started Instagram. The account name was "I will buy a marmot in 200 days." I think many of my current followers will remember this name. At that time, the profile text was written in English as follows.

I will buy a marmot in 200 days
Future Dr. Marmot
By 2030, It will be as popular as dogs and cats

I want the world to know more about the charm of marmots. I aim to be a future marmot doctor, and I expressed my desire to have marmots become as popular as dogs and cats by 2030. I decided to spread the word about marmots and to know more about marmots in order to welcome marmots.

I research the ecology of marmots every day, and whenever I find something new, I update my column on my website. Now, when you search for "marmot pets," it appears at the top of the search results, and when you search for "marmot," it appears after Wikipedia.

My current goals are to "welcome a Himalayan marmot" and "eradicate malicious breeders in China." The problems that need to be solved are the same. I will definitely achieve these goals, become a marmot doctor, and make marmots around the world happy. In the future, I will do my best to make marmots as famous as dogs and cats.
The comments I receive on Instagram, X, and YouTube are very encouraging.

Tomorrow, I will talk about "The reality of marmots as seen in China."
This incident made me realize that the reality we see on social media is not everything.
Thank you for reading to the end.

Next Blog ▶︎ 3. The reality of marmots in China

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